Description: Design, development, launch and management of a new national and international online venture accelerator focused on helping startups achieve early market traction in order to grow, generate market credibility and raise funding. Services: Executive...
Description: Commercialization of NASA avionics patent for the aviation industry. Services include research, extensive investor meetings, business planning, plan writing, patent licensing and negotiations, industry evaluation, and technology review. Services: Ongoing...
Description: Through VentureSpur 2013 – Provided seed funding, mentorship and advisory services to online incubator and micro-crowdfunding platform providing entrepreneurs with an online network and easy tools to raise funds to accomplish early-stage development...
Description: Through VentureSpur 2012 – Provided seed funding, mentorship and advisory services to startup providing mobile and online event management and fundraising platform for run, walk, jog, and biking charitable events, including coordinating participants...
Description: Through The Epperson Group, LLC – Provided executive leadership as co-founder, angel investor and CEO of multi-million dollar software, SaaS, cloud and data services company serving the oil and gas, alternative energy, land, right-of-way, rail and...