Completed management turnaround of independent software vendor focused in the oil and gas industry.
- Provided interim executive management services, financial management and technology advising on a contract basis.
- Consolidated company assets, negotiated with creditors, re-negotiated vendor contracts and solicited new services providers.
- Hired new executive management and sales team.
- Created a board of advisors.
- Implemented new product development strategy and launched new service offerings.
- Implemented new business partnerships and joint venture with industry leader.
- Venture Development
- Executive Management
- Turnaround and Restructuring
- Strategic Planning
- Sales and Marketing
- Strategic IT
- Product Development
- Project Management
- Joint Venture
- Reduced overhead by 75% in 3 months.
- Returned company to positive cashflow in 6 months.
- Company launched 2 new products over the subsequent 24 months and secured contracts with Fortune 500 clients and major government agencies.
- Company won industry award for innovative product development 36 months after re-organization.